Raja Yoga
An important branch of Yoga, Raja Yoga is a one stop solution for complete and holistic healing. Raja Yoga possesses the positive power of influencing the life of human beings. Apart from harmonizing with all spheres the physiological system, it also transforms the physical, mental, emotional, intellectual, occupational, social and spiritual being of a person. Raja Yoga also helps an individual to alleviate himself/herself from all emotional and mental conflicts. It brings lasting peace and satisfaction in one's life. One of the most prominent benefits of Raj Yoga is that it heals a person from
the inside. However, the benefit of Raj Yoga is not just limited to the mind and body of a person, but it also brings harmony with other human beings and environment, at large. Raja Yoga is sometimes referred as Astanga or eight-limbed yoga. This is because there are eight aspects to the path to which one must attend. To know more about the eight limbs of Astanga Yoga, read through the following lines.